Nature Worx is an outdoor experiential program that introduces participants to the restorative, contemplative and healing properties of focused, intentional activity in a natural environment. We go outside to go inside! Participants learn how to develop a relationship with the natural world, gain a fresh perspective on their lives and create a sense of connection to all living things. The Nature Worx program combines elements of mindfulness, meditation, forest therapy and naturalist interpretation.

What We Offer
Nature Worx is centered on helping people connect to nature using all five senses in an enjoyable, accessible way. Our activities are interactive and intentional, and we open a door for participants to pass through and connect with nature. Sessions are led by experienced guides with a background in outdoor recreation, natural interpretation and counseling. By engaging participants in outdoor experiences they gain access to a readily available resource to support their physical and mental health. Our activities are easily repeatable and can be performed anywhere trees or green space are available.

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Do you believe in the healing power of nature and how it can benefit our mental and physical well-being? Support our mission with your tax-free contribution. We appreciate donations of any amount!